Clash of the Dragons Wiki

Rarity denotes the value of a card. Cards are divided into Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic or Legendary classes. The more valuable a card is, typically the more difficult it is to obtain.


Common cards are the most common type in the game. These cards can be obtained through most purchased packs. They are denoted by the card's name having a grey font.

78 Reckless Slash

An example of a Common card


Uncommon cards are the next highest rarity value after Common. These cards can only be obtained by purchasing Silver Packs and above, or by Crafting. They are denoted by the card's name having a green font.

138 Acid Ball V2

An example of an Uncommon card


Rare cards are the next highest rarity value after Uncommon. These cards can only be obtained by purchasing Gold Packs and above, or by Crafting. They are denoted by the card's name having a purple font.

151 Djinn's Aura V2

An example of a Rare card


Epic cards are the next highest rarity value after Rare. They can only be obtained through Mystery, Diamond, Promo, Platinum, and Draft Packs, or by Crafting. They are denoted by the card's name having an orange font.

420 Scorched Earth

An example of an Epic card.


Legendary cards are the next highest rarity value after Epic and are the highest rarity in the game. Legendary cards are the most difficult to obtain, and can be obtained through Mystery, Diamond, Promo, and Draft Packs, or by Crafting. They are denoted by the card's name having a red font.

475 Glory of West Kruna

An example of a Legendary card
